
Smartphone Addiction in Kids Revealing 11 Scary Harmful effects


Smartphone addiction in kids increased a lot these days. For many parents, phones may be an easy way to distract children or keep them occupied. But we should not ignore the harmful effects of mobile phones, cell phones, or smartphones. 

However, smartphones come with their own set of evil. Several possible health dangers to mental and physical well-being are associated with excessive mobile phone usage, particularly poor IQ and inappropriate mental growth in children, sleep deprivation, brain tumours, and psychiatric illnesses. Mobile or Cell phone misuse has several negative consequences on children’s and adults’ health. We endeavour to remain connected and available at all times.

This causes us fatigue and worry and leaves us distracted. We have no idea that the source of our sleeplessness and exhaustion is the thing that we are holding in our hands. It is high time to learn more about the detrimental effects of cell phones and other wireless technology.

Smartphone Addiction in Kids can cause below Harmful effects:

1. Sleep Disturbances and Smartphone addiction in kids:

Smartphone Addiction in Kids
Smartphone Addiction in Kids

The “blue” light emitted from the smartphone screen can make it difficult for you to fall asleep and raises the risk of insomnia. The blue light messes with our body’s natural ability to prepare for sleep as it blocks the melatonin hormone that makes us sleepy. Smartphone addiction in kids (excessive smartphone use) also keeps them mentally active late into the evening. In the long run, staying up late with friends, playing video games, or reading through social media can tire and tire kids. Additionally, it interferes with academic life since tired children find it challenging to focus on their lessons.

As a result, it has a cascading impact that affects every aspect of their life. When discussing mobile phones and health, we must recognise their effect on sleeping patterns. Most of us, especially youngsters, are accustomed to setting the alarm and placing a cell phone near or under our pillow. In truth, it is a terrible concept.

2. Vision Issues and Smartphone addiction in kids:

The constant use of screens might harm your health because the blue light emitted by all smartphones or tablets can harm our eyes. Blue light has the potential to lead to macular degeneration. Blue light bypasses the pupil and cornea and hits the retina directly. The light affects our central vision by damaging the retina’s photoreceptor cells. If these cells die, they cannot regenerate. So, the damage becomes permanent. Smartphone addiction in kids can cause high screen use which in turn create a condition called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). The symptoms of CVS are

Smartphone Addiction in Kids
Smartphone Addiction in Kids
  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches
  • Pain in shoulders and neck
  • Dry and red eyes

We all have to gaze at a little screen of our cell phones whether contacting someone or reading an article on the Internet. This puts a lot of strain on our eyes, causing them to dry up and sting when they blink. This may eventually lead to vision impairment. Keep the device at least 12 to 16 inches away from your face to preserve good vision.

3. Neck and Spine Problem and Smartphone addiction in kids:

Smartphone addiction in kids can cause neck and spine problem. Their neck may experience significant strain if they spend several hours a day looking down at the phone. Tilting your head forward might cause your spine to experience a 50–60-pound force from gravity. “Text neck” happens due to spending excessive time with the head and neck in a flexed position, the position most common when one uses their smartphone to text or perform other tasks. The forward flexing of the neck increases the forces and pressure on the neck muscles, tendons, ligaments, and discs.

A strong spine is one of the most essential aspects of well-being as we age. Children’s neck and back muscles are harmed when they slump over a mobile phone for much of the day. So it is no surprise that people have persistent discomfort in these areas. If we compare smartphones to TVs and personal computers, smartphone or tablet screens are more commonly viewed with a severe neck angle. The neck and head are generally bent further forward to view smartphones than other screens. 

Some other activities, such as reading a printed book, also prompt people to tilt their heads, but the difference may be that people use smartphones and tablets for much longer and are less likely to shift positions.

4. Tendinitis and Smartphone addiction in kids:

Smartphone addiction in kids can lead to tendinitis. Inflammation and soreness from overusing your thumb tendons while typing is possible. In case of excessive smartphone use, put high demands on the thumbs and wrists. Continuous typing and swiping can lead to irritation and swelling of the thumb flexor tendon. Over time, some people can develop a condition called “trigger thumb”, a painful popping or locking of the thumb. Also, we hold the smartphone in a fixed position for a long time. In that case, it can irritate the wrist and forearm tendons and contribute to a painful condition known as “DeQuervain’s tendinosis.” 

5. Obesity and Smartphone addiction in kids:

Smartphone Addiction in Kids
Smartphone Addiction in Kids

With food and entertainment readily available, kids may unintentionally become less active, which might negatively impact their health. Children who spend their leisure time addicted to their phones don’t engage in physical exercise or enjoy the fresh air. As a result, they are more likely to become obese and suffer from various conditions that might turn into dangerous diseases like diabetes and hypertension.

6. Difficulty with learning and concentration:

If you constantly want to check your smartphone while in a class or at work, it may be distracting and impair your ability to focus. Numerous youngsters bring their phones to school. The amount of time spent chatting with friends, playing games over lunchtime, or even in class is growing daily. Children who don’t pay attention in class miss out on vital teachings and have no idea what to study for and how to do well on exams.

7. Academic Misconduct and Smartphone addiction in kids:

In addition to being a study distraction, kids may also use smartphones to cheat on tests. Many schools have widely reported that students have used the built-in calculator during examinations where it is not permitted, stored photos or references to help them cheat, or even exchanged answers with other students through chat while taking the test. Such behaviour leads to a personality disorder in addition to having an impact on academic achievement.

8. Mental Health and Smartphone addiction in kids: 

Smartphone Addiction in Kids
Smartphone Addiction in Kids

Children who use social media may encounter cyberbullies who stalk and torment them online. Many children who have experienced cyberbullying may not come forward until much later. By this time, the psychological harm has already been done. When children are not provided with the online attention they anticipate, social media can also lead to melancholy and anxiety. Peer influence also affects children a lot. Kids could experience pressure to get the newest gadgets to fit in with their social group. These days teens and young people are addicted to social media. They are more tense and worried, and for them, missing a text message from the other side is a massive catastrophe.

9. Unsuitable Media and Smartphone addiction in kids:

Smartphone Addiction in Kids
Smartphone Addiction in Kids

A cell phone is a tool, just like any other equipment, and it may be misused. Children could see offensive words, photographs, or other content published by their friends or group members and spread it to other children. Early exposure to pornography can alter children’s perceptions and mental processes. Even recklessly swapping their own photographs might result in a disaster that has a long-lasting effect on their life.

10. Relationships and Smartphone addiction in kids: 

Overusing our phones might prevent us from having meaningful encounters and conversations, which lowers our level of relationship satisfaction. When spending time with friends and family, excessive technology use might cause feelings of disconnection. Mobile phones cause inadequate personal communication. Texting and instant messaging can replace your urge to speak with others over the phone or in person.

11. Travel when distracted and Smartphone addiction in kids:

Smartphone uses while driving can cause a significant accident, while distracted walking might result in injuries. You risk missing your bus or train stop if you’re using public transportation and gaze down at your phone.

Radiation from Smartphone

Children are tiny grownups, and their brains are still in development. These days, kids are exposed to technology earlier than ever. Mobile phones (smartphones), tablets, iPads, and all other types of wireless gadgets emit several forms of radiation, including microwave radiation, ionising radiation, and non-ionising radiation. High-frequency and high-intensity ionising radiations include x-rays, radon, and ultraviolet rays from sunshine. Non-ionising radiations have a low frequency and energy level. Mobile phones emit non-ionising radiation and radio-frequency waves to adjacent cell towers through their transmitting unit or antenna. When we make or receive a phone call, send or receive text messages, or utilise data, our phone gets radio-frequency waves from cell towers.

Smartphone Addiction in Kids
Smartphone Addiction in Kids

Microwave radiation from mobile phones and other wireless gadgets is hazardous, especially to kids and foetuses. Many studies have shown that such radiations represent a higher risk of physical harm in kids and unborn foetuses. Children absorb more microwave radiation than adults as their skulls are thinner and brain tissues are more absorbent. Microwave radiation exposure can promote degeneration of the protective sheath that covers brain neurons, making foetuses especially susceptible.

A mobile phone is always radiating until it is switched off. Hence it should not be kept on the body while not in use. A pouch, purse, bag, or backpack is the best location to keep a cell phone. These gadgets should be kept away from a pregnant woman’s belly, a mother should not use a mobile phone while breastfeeding or nursing, and baby monitors should not be put in an infant’s crib. Children and teens must understand how to use cell phones and wireless gadgets securely. Cell phones should never be allowed in a child’s bedroom.

Belgium, France, Germany, and other technologically advanced nations are enacting legislation or warning children about using wireless gadgets.


1. Cell phones and cancer risk. (2022, March 10). National Cancer Institute. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/radiation/cell-phones-fact-sheet

2. Do cell phones pose a health hazard? (n.d.). U.S. Food and Drug Administration; FDA. Retrieved January 22, 2023, from https://www.fda.gov/radiation-emitting-products/cell-phones/do-cell-phones-pose-health-hazard

3. Harper, C. G., & Lee, V. K. (2001). Mobile phones and your health. Pathology33(3), 269–270. https://doi.org/10.1080/00313020120070821

4. Naeem, Z. (2014). Health risks associated with mobile phones use. International Journal of Health Sciences8(4), V–VI. https://doi.org/10.12816/0023989

5. Shmerling, R. H. (2020, January 21). Is your cell phone dangerous to your health? Harvard Health. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-your-cell-phone-dangerous-to-your-health-2020012118697

6. The troubling side effects of smartphones. (2018, August 2). UVA Today. https://news.virginia.edu/content/troubling-side-effects-smartphones

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